What is the mileage of Taro GP-1 V4 Fi 165?

The mileage of Taro GP-1 V4 Fi 165.
The Company claimed mileage of the Taro GP-1 V4 Fi 165 is 45-50 kmpl. Our expert collect some reports from real-life users of Taro GP-1 V4 Fi 165. Some of people tell they get 42 kmpl and some people go to 45 kmpl. A few people claimed that they get 40-45 kmpl.
However, the real-world mileage of the Taro GP-1 V4 Fi 165 can vary depending on a number of factors, such as riding style, road conditions, and traffic conditions.
#Expert Result: Research the all of data we can certify that Taro GP-1 V4 Fi 165 give us 40-45 Kmpl mileage based on Real life experience.
Note: Get the best mileage the speed should be 40-60 Kmh. High speed consumes more fuel.